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Upon careful thought it was clear to Frank that he had been daydreaming...but what a hell of a daydream! Though, there was that doubt....if he really did see Darlene roughly penetrated by a huge BBC, he must know about it.Simple he told himself, I'll call her and get this nonsense out of my head. He took a couple of deep breaths, calmed himself and dialed the home phone...after exactly 8 rings it went to the answering machine just as he set it. Trying to be calm, he simply said, "Hey, Dar give me a call." And hung up to wait.It seemed like forever, but only seconds had passed before he found himself going through the same routine in calling her cell phone. The result was the same! Without thinking twice, Frank then began a repeating cycle of calling and leaving messages on each phone while becoming increasingly agitated with each beep indicating the answering machines had taken his call. After multiple calls ( he would later discover he had called each 15 times), Frank 'woke up' from. I licked my fingers and palm and grasped his member, sliding my hand up and down as I moved my mouth over the top of him and licked around the edge of the crown and underneath. I could see what that did to him. His skin flushed hotter, his breathing accelerated, and a light sweat was breaking out on his shoulders and chest. His eyes closed and he sighed as I pressed my fingers between his balls and his ass to apply pressure underneath as I sucked him hard and put as much as possible in my mouth. Back and forth and around my lips and hand slipped over his hard dick making the veins stand out a bit until he was panting with arousal and visibly trying to hold himself back from pushing himself hard into my mouth. "Wait," he panted, "I still want to fuck that pussy. Turn around and let me see that pretty ass." I turned over and he pulled me up on all fours so that my ass was slightly higher and facing him. "Oh that looks.. oh you are so..." I heard him take out a condom and then I felt a.
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